Circumstance of Place
“Circumstance of Place” is a special web-project by Russian entertainment and lifestyle website, a half-entertainment half-promotional website which can be read as a mini-compilation of illustrated short stories and which also promotes the business class residential complex “FiliCity” in Moscow. The project compiles 8 life-affirming short stories about people who in a way or another found happiness in their new home, at the same time presenting the different types of flats available for sale in the building. A total of 11 illustrations were created for this project.

Main Page Illustration

Main Page
1. "Waiting for Housewarming" by Yevgeni Grishkovetz

Main illustration

Interior illustration

Interior illustration

Дизайн страницы рассказа / Full Page Layout
2. "Universal Harmony" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
3. "The Keeper" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
4. "Mission: Possible" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
5. "Tomorrow at 3 PM" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
6. "2 + 2 = ?" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
7. "Black and White" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
8. "Where Dreams Dwell" by Tikhon Sharov

Main Illustration

Short Story Titular Page
Project Managers: Maksim Demidov, Nadezhda Solovieva (Rambler&Co)
Art Direction: Dmitriy Tereshchenkov (Rambler&Co)
Design and Layout: Rambler&Co
Illustration: Alexandra Tkachenko
Project Website: