Rosenergoatom — 30 Years Anniversary Calendar
A series of 12 portrait paintings made for a special anniversary calendar of Rosenergoatom.

Emir Kusturica and The No Smoking Orchestra
A set of banner illustrations for a special performance by Emir Kusturica and The No Smoking Orchestra

Bermoods — Editorial Illustrations
Illustrations for an article on how to look at a work of art

Editorial Illustrations
Artworks for an interview article

Bermoods — Magazine Cover
A cover artwork made for Russian art magazine "Bermoods"

Circumstance of Place
A series of illustrations for 8 short stories compiled in a special web project by Russian entertainment & lifestyle website Afisha

Bad Sounds — Cover Artworks
A series of cover artworks created for British indie-pop band Bad Sounds

Perfecto Coffee Kiosk
A series of portraits printed large-scale on a mobile coffee kiosk.

Ice Show "Swan Lake" Ad Illustration and Design
A digital painting for the ballet on ice show "Swan Lake", created by and featuring famous Russian figure skater Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko